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Available commands

Development mode

yarn run dev

Starts the development mode. In this mode, you benefit of the HMR on your pages (front-end projects) and automatic restart of your scripts (back-end project). This allows you to see your changes in real time. Final bundle isn't optimized to provide maximum responsiveness of the environment.

Note: when developing a library ("target": "node"), a random semver-compliant number is set in place of your package.json's version in the distributable directory. It allows you to test your package in real time by forcing cache invalidation.

Note: when developing a web app ("target": "web"), the index.html served by the development web server will be generated from the template you specified in your configuration, and will be kept in memory (not written on disk) for performance purpose.

Testing mode

yarn run test [-w]

Starts the testing mode. All your tests written in *.test.js(x) / *.test.ts(x) files are run, and code coverage report is generated at the end of the whole testing suite, in a coverage directory. The -w option allows you to run Jest in watch mode.

Build mode

yarn run build

Starts the build mode. You can pass the --force option to prevent pipe from failing in case of linting / typechecking issues. This mode bundles and optimizes your codebase and related assets for distribution. Sourcemaps are also generated (use --enable-source-maps to leverage on sourcemaps in Node), as well as the bundle analysis report in a report.html file. When building a NPM package, any relevant file (, LICENSE, ...) is also included in your distributable directory.


yarn run check

Runs linter and type-checkers on your codebase. You can pass the -w option to enable watch mode, and -f to automatically fix issues when possible.

Configuring your project commands

To configure and use available dev kit commands, put the following in your project package.json:

// ...
"scripts": {
"test": "node_modules/typescript-dev-kit/scripts/test",
"dev": "node node_modules/typescript-dev-kit/scripts/dev.js",
"build": "node node_modules/typescript-dev-kit/scripts/build.js",
"check": "node node_modules/typescript-dev-kit/scripts/check.js",
"postinstall": "rm -f node_modules/.eslintcache"