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Creating your data model

The data model is a core concept in Perseid, driving many powerful features and logic:

  • @perseid/form uses it to create complex dynamic forms from a simple configuration

  • @perseid/server can generate the underlying database structure and fully functional REST APIs for all CRUD operations and related features based on that definition

  • @perseid/client leverages the data model to automatically build entire applications and user interfaces wihtout a single line of code

What is a data model?

A data model is an abstract representation of all the data your application is going to handle. For instance, if you own a small drug store and need an app to manage your inventory, you might deal with the following (simplified) entities:

  • Products: represented by a reference (string), a name (string), and a price (float).
  • Inventory: represented by a reference to the product (ID) and a quantity (integer).

You might already be familiar with this concept from structuring your database (tables, collections, relationships, etc.). However, data model schemas are usually tightly linked to the specific DBMS you’re using, each with its own syntax and specificities. In contrast, Perseid offers a smooth abstraction that lets you define a data model once, which works across any DBMS (either SQL or noSQL) without needing to manually adjust the schema.

Declaring a data model schema

Your data model schema can include as many resources types as necessary. For each resource, you can specify its fields and structure, choosing from a wide range of types, as outlined below.


A simple string field.

interface StringSchema {
/** Data type. */
type: 'string';

/** Whether field is required. */
isRequired?: boolean;

/** Custom error messages for when user inputs do not match data model. */
errorMessages?: Record<string, string>;

* Whether to index this field.
* A database index will be created, and user will be able to use that field for sorting,
* searching, and filtering in queries.
isIndexed?: boolean;

/** Specific set of values allowed for that field. */
enum?: string[];

* Whether field value should be unique across all resources of that type. (e.g. an email address).
* A unique database index will be created, and user will be able to use that field for sorting,
* searching, and filtering in queries.
isUnique?: boolean;

/** RegExp user inputs must pass for that field. */
pattern?: RegExp;

/** Field minimum length. */
minLength?: number;

/** Field maximum length. */
maxLength?: number;

For example, an email address:

type: 'string',
isUnique: true,
isRequired: true,
maxLength: 320,
pattern: /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/,


A simple integer field.

interface IntegerSchema {
/** Data type. */
type: 'integer';

/** Whether field is required. */
isRequired?: boolean;

/** Custom error messages for when user inputs do not match data model. */
errorMessages?: Record<string, string>;

* Whether to index this field.
* A database index will be created, and user will be able to use that field for sorting,
* searching, and filtering in queries.
isIndexed?: boolean;

/** Specific set of values allowed for that field. */
enum?: number[];

* Whether field value should be unique across all resources of that type. (e.g. an email address).
* A unique database index will be created, and user will be able to use that field for sorting,
* searching, and filtering in queries.
isUnique?: boolean;

/** Field minimum value. */
minimum?: number;

/** Field maximum value. */
maximum?: number;

/** Field exclusive minimum value. */
exclusiveMinimum?: number;

/** Field exclusive maximum value. */
exclusiveMaximum?: number;

/** Value to use as a multiple for user inputs. */
multipleOf?: number;

For example, a year:

type: 'integer',
isRequired: true,
minimum: 1900,
maximum: 2024
multipleOf: 10,


A simple floating number field.

interface FloatSchema {
/** Data type. */
type: 'float';

/** Whether field is required. */
isRequired?: boolean;

/** Custom error messages for when user inputs do not match data model. */
errorMessages?: Record<string, string>;

* Whether to index this field.
* A database index will be created, and user will be able to use that field for sorting,
* searching, and filtering in queries.
isIndexed?: boolean;

/** Specific set of values allowed for that field. */
enum?: number[];

* Whether field value should be unique across all resources of that type. (e.g. an email address).
* A unique database index will be created, and user will be able to use that field for sorting,
* searching, and filtering in queries.
isUnique?: boolean;

/** Field minimum value. */
minimum?: number;

/** Field maximum value. */
maximum?: number;

/** Field exclusive minimum value. */
exclusiveMinimum?: number;

/** Field exclusive maximum value. */
exclusiveMaximum?: number;

/** Value to use as a multiple for user inputs. */
multipleOf?: number;

For example, a preset of temperatures:

type: 'float',
minimum: 20.0,
maximum: 50.0
enum: [23.5, 32.8, 39.8],


A simple true/false field.

interface BooleanSchema {
/** Data type. */
type: 'boolean';

/** Whether field is required. */
isRequired?: boolean;

/** Custom error messages for when user inputs do not match data model. */
errorMessages?: Record<string, string>;

* Whether to index this field.
* A database index will be created, and user will be able to use that field for sorting,
* searching, and filtering in queries.
isIndexed?: boolean;

For example, an activation flag:

type: 'boolean',
isRequired: true,


A field that is always null. Only useful to display non-interactive elements in @perseid/form.

interface NullSchema {
/** Whether field is required. */
isRequired?: boolean;

/** Custom error messages for when user inputs do not match data model. */
errorMessages?: Record<string, string>;

/** Data type. */
type: 'null';

For example:

type: 'null',
isRequired: true,


A field storing date and time information.

interface DateSchema {
/** Data type. */
type: 'date';

/** Whether field is required. */
isRequired?: boolean;

/** Custom error messages for when user inputs do not match data model. */
errorMessages?: Record<string, string>;

/** Specific set of values allowed for that field. */
enum?: Date[];

* Whether to index this field.
* A database index will be created, and user will be able to use that field for sorting,
* searching, and filtering in queries.
isIndexed?: boolean;

* Whether field value should be unique across all resources of that type. (e.g. an email address).
* A unique database index will be created, and user will be able to use that field for sorting,
* searching, and filtering in queries.
isUnique?: boolean;

For example, a resource creation date and time:

type: 'date',
isIndexed: true,


A field storing binary data (e.g. a small image).

interface BinarySchema {
/** Data type. */
type: 'binary';

/** Whether field is required. */
isRequired?: boolean;

/** Custom error messages for when user inputs do not match data model. */
errorMessages?: Record<string, string>;

For example, a signature image:

type: 'binary',
isRequired: true,


A universally unique identifier, that can also link to another resource in the data model.

interface IdSchema<DataModel> {
/** Data type. */
type: 'id';

/** Whether field is required. */
isRequired?: boolean;

/** Custom error messages for when user inputs do not match data model. */
errorMessages?: Record<string, string>;

/** Specific set of values allowed for that field. */
enum?: Id[];

* Whether to index this field.
* A database index will be created, and user will be able to use that field for sorting,
* searching, and filtering in queries.
isIndexed?: boolean;

* Whether field value should be unique across all resources of that type. (e.g. an email address).
* A unique database index will be created, and user will be able to use that field for sorting,
* searching, and filtering in queries.
isUnique?: boolean;

/** Name of the resource type the id refers to. See it as a foreign key. */
relation?: keyof DataModel;

For example, a reference to then resource author:

type: 'id',
isIndexed: true,
isRequired: true,
relation: 'users',


A nested structure, containing a set of sub-fields.

interface ObjectSchema<DataModel> {
/** Data type. */
type: 'object';

/** Whether field is required. */
isRequired?: boolean;

/** Custom error messages for when user inputs do not match data model. */
errorMessages?: Record<string, string>;

/** Sub-fields data model. */
fields: Record<string, (
| IntegerSchema
| FloatSchema
| NullSchema
| DateSchema
| BinarySchema
| BooleanSchema
| ObjectSchema<DataMoel>
| ArraySchema<DataModel>
| IdSchema<DataModel>

For example, some additional details about a user:

type: 'object',
isRequired: true,
fields: {
firstName: { type: 'string', isRequired: true },
lastName: { type: 'string', isRequired: true },


A nested structure containing a list of values.

interface ArraySchema<DataModel> {
/** Data type. */
type: 'array';

/** Whether field is required. */
isRequired?: boolean;

/** Custom error messages for when user inputs do not match data model. */
errorMessages?: Record<string, string>;

/** Minimum required number of items in the array. */
minItems?: number;

/** Maximum allowed number of items in the array. */
maxItems?: number;

/** Items data model. */
fields: (
| IntegerSchema
| FloatSchema
| NullSchema
| DateSchema
| BinarySchema
| BooleanSchema
| ObjectSchema<DataMoel>
| IdSchema<DataModel>

/** Whether each array item should be unique. */
uniqueItems?: boolean;

For example, a list of permissions for a specific role:

type: 'array',
minItems: 1,
maxItems: 100,
isRequired: true,
uniqueItems: true,
fields: { type: 'string', isRequired: true },

Complete example

Here is Perseid default data model schema definition, for users and roles management:

users: {
/** Whether to generate and manage `_createdBy` and `_updatedBy` fields for that resource. */
enableAuthors: true,

/** Whether to generate and manage the `_isDeleted` field for that resource. */
enableDeletion: false,

/** Whether to generate and managen`_createdAt` and `_updatedAt` fields for that resource. */
enableTimestamps: true,

fields: {
_verifiedAt: {
isIndexed: true,
type: 'date',
_devices: {
type: 'array',
isRequired: true,
fields: {
type: 'object',
isRequired: true,
fields: {
_userAgent: { type: 'string', isRequired: true },
_expiration: { type: 'date', isRequired: true },
_refreshToken: { type: 'string', isRequired: true },
_id: { type: 'string', pattern: /^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$/, isRequired: true },
_apiKeys: {
type: 'array',
isRequired: true,
fields: {
type: 'string',
maxLength: 24,
isRequired: true,
pattern: /^[0-9A-Za-z]{24}$/,
errorMessages: {
type: 'must be a valid token',
pattern: 'must be a valid token',
email: {
type: 'string',
isUnique: true,
isRequired: true,
errorMessages: {
type: 'must be a valid email',
pattern: 'must be a valid email',
maxLength: 320,
pattern: /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/,
password: {
type: 'string',
maxLength: 500,
isRequired: true,
pattern: /^(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[!@#$&*])(?=.*[0-9])(?=.*[a-z]).{8,}$/,
errorMessages: {
type: 'must be a valid password (8 chars minimum, containing lower case, upper case, number and special char)',
pattern: 'must be a valid password (8 chars minimum, containing lower case, upper case, number and special char)',
roles: {
type: 'array',
isRequired: true,
fields: {
type: 'id',
isIndexed: true,
isRequired: true,
relation: 'roles',
roles: {
/** Whether to generate and manage `_createdBy` and `_updatedBy` fields for that resource. */
enableAuthors: true,

/** Whether to generate and manage the `_isDeleted` field for that resource. */
enableDeletion: true,

/** Whether to generate and managen`_createdAt` and `_updatedAt` fields for that resource. */
enableTimestamps: true,

fields: {
name: {
type: 'string',
maxLength: 50,
isUnique: true,
isRequired: true,
pattern: /^[0-9A-Z_]+$/
permissions: {
type: 'array',
isRequired: true,
fields: {
type: 'string',
isRequired: true,
maxLength: 256,
pattern: /^[0-9A-Z_]+$/,