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The @perseid/ui package offers a collection of helper functions that are useful when developing front-end projects.


The built-in, ultra lightweight markdown parser.

markdown is a helper that parses the given markdown into valid HTML. This is especially useful when you want to provide basic HTML formatting (e.g. emphasis, underline, ...) to a piece of text inside a label, or even to allow end users to write rich contents containing images, titles and such (like blog posts), without risking security breaches like XSS injections.

function markdown(text: string, light?: boolean): string;

Light mode vs Full mode

You can use the markdown parser in two different modes: light or full.

Escaping markdown tags

In some cases, you may want to prevent the parser from transforming some part of your input text. For instance, the math formula 3 * 2 * 1 = 6 should not be transformed into <span class="ui-markdown--emphasis> 2 </span> 1 = 6. To do so, you can escape both * by adding a backslash (\\) before each of them: 3 \\* 2 \\* 1 = 6. This way, the parser will output the expected result: 3 * 2 * 1 = 6.

Supported markdown tags


Hello ^World^!

will output

Hello <strong class="ui-markdown ui-markdown--strong">World</strong>!

The strong tag is especially useful when HTML semantic is important, like for SEO.


Hello *World*!

will output

Hello <span class="ui-markdown ui-markdown--emphasis">World</span>!


Hello _World_!

will output

Hello <span class="ui-markdown ui-markdown--underline">World</span>!


Hello ~World~!

will output

Hello <span class="ui-markdown ui-markdown--italic">World</span>!

image (full mode)

![](My Awesome Image)

will output

<img class="ui-image" src="" alt="My Awesome Image" />
[My Awesome Link](|no referer|_blank)

will output

<a class="ui-link" href="" rel="no referer" target="_blank">My Awesome Link</a>

The two last parameters (rel and target) are optional.

blockquote (full mode)

> test

will output

<blockquote class="ui-blockquote">test</blockquote>

headings (full mode)

# Title 1
## Title 2
### Title 3
#### Title 4
##### Title 5
###### Title 6

will output

<h1 class="ui-title ui-title--1">Title 1</h1>
<h2 class="ui-title ui-title--2">Title 2</h2>
<h3 class="ui-title ui-title--3">Title 3</h3>
<h4 class="ui-title ui-title--4">Title 4</h4>
<h5 class="ui-title ui-title--5">Title 5</h5>
<h6 class="ui-title ui-title--6">Title 6</h6>

horizontal rule


will output

<hr />

line break


will output

Test<br />Test

unordered list

- item 1
- item 2
- item 3

will output

List:<br />
<ul class="ui-list ui-list--unordered">
<li>item 1</li>
<li>item 2</li>
<li>item 3</li>

ordered list

1. item 1
2. item 2
3. item 3

will output

List:<br />
<ol class="ui-list ui-list--ordered">
<li>item 1</li>
<li>item 2</li>
<li>item 3</li>

paragraph (full mode)

This is my text.

will output

<p class="ui-p">This is my text.</p>

inline code

\`var i = 3;\`

will output

<code class="ui-markdown ui-markdown--code">var i = 3;</code>


The BEM+ class generator.

function buildClass(baseClass: string, modifiers?: string): string;


@perseid/ui introduces the concept of BEM+. If you are familiar with the CSS Block Element Modifier naming best practice (which is a fantastic concept by the way), you know that to add multiple modifiers to the same element, you need to repeat the base class name as many times as the number of modifiers. You often end up with something like:

<div class="my-class my-class--modifier-1 my-class-modifier-2 my-class-modifier-3 my-class-modifier-4...">
BEM is cool, but maybe a little too verbose, isn't it?

This syntax is heavy, both in terms of page size (and thus number of bytes that transit over the network), and development experience.

BEM+ aims to fix that issue, by adapting the BEM syntax to something slightly different (nothing revolutionary, really), although much more efficient:

<div class="my-class my-class--modifier-1--modifier-2--modifier-3--modifier-4...">
BEM+ is way better!

By chaining modifiers like the example above, you only need to write the base class name once, and the buildClass helper provides a simple way to leverage on that specificity when developing your components 🎉.


// ui-root ui-root--modifier1--modifier2
buildClass('ui-root', 'modifier1 modifier1 modifier2');

As you can see, buildClass removes any duplicate modifier, to output the smallest class as possible.


Random HTML id generator.

function generateRandomId(): string;


This random id generator is useful when you want to handle accessibility for instance (using the for HTML attribute on a label), on dynamic inputs (and don't want to find a fixed name for each one of them).


NEVER use this helper to generate unique ids for databases, users and such, as the algorithm used is very simple and does not provide any guarantee against collisions, especially in distributed systems.


generateRandomId(); // Will return something like `_sd48Dxaz8`.